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Awakening the Soul
Velkommen til Seeds Of Lifes 5-dages retreat, hvor vi dykker ned i en verden af mindfulness, cold exposure, stilhed mm. Denne transformative oplevelse er designet til at balancere dit sind, krop og ånd gennem en blanding af gamle teknikker og moderne metoder, genoprette din indre balance og skabe nye vaner og mere nærvær. Retreatet er beliggende i smukke omgivelser, langt væk fra hverdagens støj og stress. Her vil du finde ro og stilhed, der giver dig mulighed for at forbinde dig med dig selv på et dybere plan. Vi starter hver morgen med Kundalini inspireret yoga, hvor du vil blive guidet til at åbne dit sind og din krop gennem bevægelse, åndedræt og mantraer. Under retreatet vil du blive introduceret til forskellige metoder til cold exposure. Du vil lære teknikker som kolde brusere, isbad og varme i form af sauna. Vi vil lave åndedrætsøvelser og let opvarmning for at forberede din krop på cold exposure-sessionen. Du vil også få din egen "The High Performance Planner", et powerfuldt værktøj til at organisere dine tanker, sætte mål og strukturere din tid. Dette vil hjælpe dig med at skabe klarhed og fokus i dine daglige aktiviteter og bringe mere produktivitet og tilfredshed ind i dit liv. En anden unik oplevelse er ceremoniel brug af cacao og plantemedicin svampe. Cacao-ceremonien er en ældgammel praksis, der hjælper med at åbne hjertet og skabe forbindelse til en dyb visdom og indre vejledning. Gennem plantemedicinen svampe i terapeutisk dosis, vil du have mulighed for at udforske dybe lag af bevidsthed og opleve indsigter og helbredelse på sjæleniveau. Vi vil udforske forskellige teknikker, herunder meditation, åndedrætsøvelser og refleksion, der vil støtte dig i at finde indre ro og klarhed.Der vil være perioder med stilhed, hvor du vil have mulighed for at trække dig tilbage og lytte til din egen indre visdom. Stilhed er en kraftfuld kilde til fordybelse og selvrefleksion. Dette retreat vil være en digital detox oplevelse. Der inviteres til at lade dine digitale enheder være og i stedet fordybe dig i naturen og de helbredende aktiviteter. På retreatet tilbydes der en ernæringsmæssigt afbalanceret og nærende madoplevelse, der er skræddersyet til at understøtte din sundhed og velvære. Med fokus på at give dig en mulighed for at vælge, hvad der passer bedst til dine behov og præferencer. Du har mulighed for at praktisere 16:8-fasting, hvor du faster i 16 timer og spiser inden for en 8-timers periode. Dette giver din krop tid til at hvile og regenerere, samtidig med at det understøtter en sund stofskiftefunktion. På Retreatet vil det hovedsagligt være økologiske og grønne fødevarer, der er dyrket uden brug af kunstige kemikalier eller pesticider. Dette sikrer, at du får den højeste kvalitet af friske og naturlige ingredienser, der er fyldt med essentielle næringsstoffer. målet er at levere en kost, der er rig på vitaminer, mineraler og antioxidanter, som styrker dit immunsystem og opretholder din generelle sundhed. En særlig fokus er proteinrig mad. Der tilbydes græsfodret kød fra kvæg, der har haft mulighed for at græsse frit og opnå en naturlig ernæringsprofil. Græsfodret kød er kendt for at være rig på sundt fedt, essentielle aminosyrer og næringsstoffer som jern og zink. Dette giver dig mulighed for at nyde en velsmagende og nærende proteinkilde, der understøtter muskelopbygning og kropslig sundhed. Udover græsfodret kød vil måltiderne også omfatte et bredt udvalg af veganske og glutenfrie retter, der er rige på fibre, vitaminer og mineraler. Der vil være en balance mellem forskellige grøntsager, fermentering, bælgfrugter og sunde fedtstoffer, der sikrer, at du får en bred vifte af næringsstoffer og smagsoplevelser.
DKK 8,500
Embodiment & Integration Retreat
Embark on a transformative journey at Seeds of Life’s embodiment and Integration Retreat. Immerse yourself in a supportive and nurturing community where you can connect with like-minded lifetravelers with Sharing Circles, explore the power of Vibrant Breath-Work and Movement, and find inner peace through Heart Meditation. Indulge your senses as you experience the rejuvenating effects of the sauna and the invigorating rush of cold exposure. Allow yourself to let go, release tension, and open your heart to new possibilities. Join on this profound and enlightening retreat as we embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and personal growth. The retreat is hosted by Siigurd Thomsen For over 30 years, I have had the privilege of working with diet and nutrition, while also practicing my passion for health. Over the years, I have built extensive knowledge in diet and nutrition and learned how to create meals that are not only tasty but also nutritious. My focus has always been on promoting health through food by including fresh, natural, and wholesome ingredients. In addition to my work with diet and nutrition, I am a trained breath therapist and yoga instructor. These complementary skills have allowed me to support my clients in achieving a holistic approach to their health and well-being. As a breath therapist, I can guide people to breathe more deeply and consciously, which can have a positive impact on their physical and mental state. As a yoga instructor, I can lead people through various yoga poses and meditation techniques that help strengthen the body and calm the mind. It has been an incredibly enriching journey to combine my passion for health, diet, and nutrition with my skills as a breath therapist and yoga instructor. I have had the opportunity to inspire and support many people on their journey towards a healthier lifestyle and increased well-being. It is my goal to continue sharing my knowledge and experience to help even more people find balance and well-being through diet, meditation, breathwork, and yoga.
DKK 3,100
Heart Frequency & Green Kitchen
*Sign up for this unique retreat and together let us create a weekend filled with food joy, inner peace and well-being. * Heart rate and a green kitchen have a close connection, as both elements play a crucial role in our overall health and well-being. Heart rate: Heart rate refers to the number of heartbeats per minute and is an important measure of body function. An adequate resting heart rate and heart rate are signs of a healthy functioning circulatory system. Elevated heart rate can be a sign of stress, anxiety or physical overexertion, while a low heart rate can indicate good fitness or relaxation. Green Kitchen: A green kitchen focuses on including more vegetables, fruits, whole grains and plant-based foods in the diet. Green foods are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber, which contribute to healthy digestion, strong immune system and overall health. A diet rich in green foods has been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and certain types of cancer. Relationship between heart rate and green cuisine: A green kitchen rich in nutrients and antioxidants can help maintain healthy heart function and regulate heart rate. Consuming green foods that are low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium can be beneficial for the heart and blood vessels. In addition, a healthy diet with green foods can help reduce inflammation in the body and strengthen the immune system. By combining a focus on heart rate through meditation, yoga and relaxation with a green kitchen through cooking class, fermentation and healthy recipes, one can achieve a holistic approach to health and well-being that promotes both physical and mental balance. *The retreat is hosted by Siigurd Thomsen, * who have created Seeds of Life, with the aim that you as a participant will have a meaningful and transformative experience. Seeds of Life is a sustainable retreat, created to support human development in a present community in a beautiful undisturbed setting, where you as a participant can withdraw from everyday life and immerse yourself in your own inner journey. I make sure that the Retreat program is carefully planned and organized with care and attention to detail, so that as a participant you get a holistic experience that nourishes your body, mind and soul.
DKK 3,100
Now available for sessions! 🌟
After more than 20 years dedicated to the work of supporting and mentoring others as a respiratory therapist, coach and abuse counselor, I am excited to share that I am now opening up sessions to new clients. My focus is on creating a space for personal growth, healing and transformation. Through my experience and expertise, I have helped countless clients find balance, strength and inner peace. Whether you're facing challenges, or just looking to improve your quality of life, I'm here to support you on your journey. My past clients have found their way to me through word-of-mouth recommendations and chance meetings, and now it's your turn to take the next step. If you are interested in exploring how I can help you, please feel free to contact me to schedule a session. Together, let's create a space for transformation and personal development. Please contact me to book an appointment or for further information. I look forward to working with you!
DKK 1,450
Transform your life
Type Earlybird as discount code to get 25% - valid before 1. January 2025.
DKK 7,200
About Seeds of Life
Seeds of Life is a sustainable retreat designed to support human development in a present community in a beautifully undisturbed environment.
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